Sunday, April 28, 2013

Top Ten Terrific Transitions!

I'm back home and ready to write!!

I had a wonderfully busy and blessed ten days.  First, my husband and I set out to babysit our dearly cherished grandbabies.  Our daughter and son-in-law were off to Napa Valley for a hard earned and highly anticipated little get away.  After days of arts and crafts, Legos, and "dueling on horseback",

I was headed to Virginia to help care for my more than precious 5 month old great nephew, while my niece recuperated from surgery.  After several days of loving on that precious young family, I headed back home.
Something fairly profound occurred to me as I was traveling home.  There was a time, not too long ago, that I never, ever, ever would have been able to spend several days taking care of a 2 year old and a 5 year old, then turn around and travel out of state to help take care of a 5 month old.  The traveling, cooking, cleaning, playing, diaper changing, etc. would have sent my MS symptoms into a tail spin.  Normal tired would have turned into debilitating fatigue.  My body would have burned with pain.  I would have been out of commission for days, even weeks.  The inflammation in my body would have resulted in one episode of shakes and tremors after another.  My bowel would have been a mess, to say the least.  As I realized how much different things are in my life now, I became emotional.  Sure, I was tired.  Yes, after a day of one travel delay after another, I needed to rest.  But, I bounced back like I have never bounced back before.  After returning home really late last night, I was able to wake up, get dressed, and start my day, without pain. Here's the proof:
That's me today.  Showered, dressed, and yes, with makeup on, all before the morning was over.  That, dear friends, is a HUGE change.  That is why I got emotional.  I was realizing the benefits of my lifestyle change.  I was pain free and living my best life.  Eating real food, sticking to my health plan - that was the difference. 

Speaking of health plan, I have had several people tell me that they would be very interested in making some changes in their food choices.  Yeah, Team!!  Many have said that going full speed ahead into making huge changes is not for them.  They would prefer to take small steps and have asked me what changes they could start with.  So, after giving it some thought, here are my
Top Ten Terrific Transitions to consider making:

1.  Grass Fed Meat - Real beef is grass fed and a major source of Omega 3 fats.  Eating grass fed meat is most in harmony with our physiology.  Every aspect of our bodies will function better when we eat products from animals raised on grass.  Also, it is naturally leaner than grain fed beef.
2.  Eggs - Free range eggs are the way to go.  There is absolutely no comparison between an egg from a chicken living in awful conditions with no access to the outdoors and a free roaming chicken receiving sunshine and a variety of foods which increase the nutritional quality of the eggs.
3.  Butter - Step away from the margarine.  Instead, try eating organic butter from grass fed cows.  It is a great source of essential vitamins and helps fat soluble vitamins get absorbed into our bodies.  I buy Kerrygold butter.  It is so delicious.
4.  Nut Butters - only the nuts, please.  Almond butter and cashew butter are delicious and so beneficial.  Many brands add sugar and hydrogenated vegetable oils, so avoid those. 
5.  Coconut Oil - The benefits of coconut oil are endless.  Replace your vegetable oils with coconut oil.  I cook with it for everything.  Look for organic, pure extra virgin for the highest quality.
6.  Fresh fruits and vegetables - Organic is best, to avoid all pesticides, herbicides, and GMO's.  Many of us grew up on canned veggies, but the difference in taste and nutritional value is substantial.  Don't forget, they also make delicious smoothies.
7.  Sweeteners - Natural is naturally better!  Refined sugars wreak havoc on our bodies, so consider using only raw honey, pure maple syrup or coconut sugar.  Each one of those will still satisfy your sweet tooth and add minerals and other nutritional benefits.  
8.  Milk - I have switched to almond milk, but for die hard dairy lovers, RAW MILK does a body good.  It is easier to digest, more nutritious, safer, and keeps cows happy!  Here is a great and informative article to further explain.
9.  Probiotics - I really can't say enough about the advantages of taking/eating/drinking probiotics.  They can be ingested through a good quality supplement, eating plain full fat yogurt, drinking kombucha, or eating an array of fermented foods.  Probiotics promote health by helping our bodies detoxify, enhancing our gut health, and boosting our immunities. 
10.  Sunshine - I am a flip flop and beach loving kind of girl, so I was delighted to learn about the advantages and necessities of sunshine to our health.  We need it to produce D3.  We have been conditioned to be afraid of the sun, but those fears are really unfounded.   Our body needs sunlight in the same way it needs nutrients. In addition to the noticeable lift it gives our mood, it also helps lower blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, improve immunity, regulate weight, reverse many chronic diseases, protect us from many cancers and improve our overall health and happiness.  So, let the sun shine in!

In making this list I considered our bodies as a whole.  I hope these ten changes will seem reasonable and attainable for you.  I believe they will make a huge difference in your overall well being.

Well, thank you so much for reading.  Please feel free to share this information with someone you know who might be searching for better food choices for their family or struggling with health concerns.

I will be in touch soon.  Until then, please Be Healthy and Happy!

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