Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Wait, You're Drinking What?????

Well, to know the old me, is to know that my day could not get started without a cold cola beverage, or two!!  It was not unusual for me to drink an entire six pack of the sweet syrupy stuff in a day.  Heck, back in the day when I was working night shift at the hospital, it was not unusual for me to drink an entire six pack in one shift!  I was truly, truly addicted to the colas!  When I realized I had a little problem with the fizzy nectar, I tried to cut down.  I started drinking cherry cool-aid* and sweet tea - the emphasis on SWEET.  Once I changed my eating habits, it became clear to me that what I was addicted to was the sugar.  Detoxing off the stuff wasn't pretty! 

One of the questions that I am asked most often is, "Now that you are eating differently, what do you drink?"  I thought I'd share my top 3 beverages of choice these days.

First and foremost, WATER!  Most of us are chronically dehydrated and don't even know it.  I know I was.  As our bodies get used to being chronically dehydrated, we lose our sensitivity to water deprivation and don't get thirsty.  Dehydration, even in mild cases, can lead to allergies, depression, mental fog, and digestive problems.  Solution:  Drink more water.  In my research, I have determined that drinking spring water is the best choice for me.  Spring water naturally occurs when water flows to the surface of the earth from below, and is thus where the aquifer surface meets the ground surface.  Well water and spring water are similar in that they are both produced from natural aquifers; however, spring water continues its life cycle naturally to the surface and well water is not fully matured.  Our tap water, although well intended, may not be our best source of water.  Here's why: 

First and foremost is FLOURIDE.  Our water is highly fluoridated and that is problematic.  I will discuss fluoride in a future post, but until then, just know that according to Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Bill Osmunson,
"Fluoride is a toxic industrial waste product, which may also be contaminated with lead, arsenic, radionucleotides, aluminum and other industrial contaminants. The fluoride added to municipal water supplies is not pharmaceutical grade.                        
Twenty-three studies from four countries indicate that even moderate exposure to fluoride lowers IQ.
The daily dose of fluoride recommended by the American Dental Association results in the same level of fluoride in your blood shown to cause an 8-point drop in IQ.
Poison control should be called if you swallow a quarter milligram of fluoride from toothpaste. Meanwhile just ONE glass of water can contain this amount of fluoride.
To remain within "safe" limits, you'd have to use such a small amount of fluoridated toothpaste that one tube would last you several years."
I encourage you to do further research.  This article might be a good start. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/10/11/dr-bill-osmunson-on-fluoride.aspx

Second, an Associated Press investigation has found that prescription drugs have been found in millions of Americans' drinking water.  Everything from antibiotics to mood stabilizers have been detected.

And third, CHEMICALS!  Many water supplies add chemicals to drinking water to purify it from waste, including chlorine.

Ideally, the very best water to drink would be directly from the spring.  We all don't have that readily available to us.  Bottled water is both wasteful and can be problematic with plastic possibly leeching chemicals.  So, the very best thing most of us can do is drink spring water put into glass bottles.   Here's a sampling of bottled water brands that are fluoride-free: Apani Purifie ** Aqua Panna ** Arrowhead ** Calistoga Spring ** Crystal Geyser ** Deer Park North ** Deer Park South ** Great Bear ** Hinkley & Schmidt ** Ice Mountain Keeper Springs ** Loon Country Natural Spring88 **Mountain Valley ** NARA International Himalayan Spring Ozarka ** Penta ** Poland Spring Snow Valley Mountain ** Sparkletts
I am able to get several of the brands in glass bottles at my local Natural Grocers.  It's extra delicious with some citrus!

My next go-to drink is a beautifully extracted glass of organic fruits and vegetables.  With juicing being one of the newest rages, everyone is becoming familiar with the benefits.  There is some discussion as to whether juicing, blending, or extracting is the best way to go.  Honestly, I really don't know the answer to that.  When I was setting my goals for the new year, I felt like juicing was the next piece in my puzzle of achieving optimal health.  I knew that valuable and sensitive nutrients become damaged when heated.  Due to my seriously compromised gut and extensive digestive problems, I knew that I wasn't absorbing enough of the nutrients from fruits and vegetables, and juicing seemed like the solution.  I have to give a shout out to my sister- in -law, Sally, for introducing me to the immense benefits of juicing.  Sally is our family's foremother in the area of health and nutrition.  She was eating healthy before eating healthy was cool!  Thanks, Sal - I am hooked!   Well, after reading and talking to many people, we recently bought a Nutribullet.  I am not on their payroll and don't get a kick back - but I want my own infomercial!!  Seriously, I smile when I wake up in the morning and greet my Nutribullet in the kitchen.  Honestly, we bought it because it was the most reasonably priced, best reviewed appliance in our price range.  So, technically, we are extracting!  "When you prepare and consume foods in the Nutribullet - the superfood nutrition extractor - you ingest food in its most absorptive state.  So even the weakest of digestive systems can absorb and utilize the nutrition within!"   Y'all, I can honestly, without reservation say, that since I have started extracting I just feel better.   I have more energy.  I feel lighter.  My mind is sharper.  Crazy how putting some organic kale, blueberries, swiss chard, and strawberries in a bullet, blending, and drinking can make you feel like a million bucks.  The recipes are endless, as are the rewards!

And finally, I have saved the "WAIT, SO YOU'RE DRINKING WHAT????" moment for the very end.  I drink a cup of BULLETPROOF COFFEE every morning.  What is that you ask? 
2 cups of organic, low toxic, hot brewed coffee, 2 tablespoons of Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter (unsalted from grass fed cows) and 1-2 tablespoons of MCT oil (medium chain triglyceride. MCTs passively diffuse from the GI tract  to the portal system [longer fatty acids are absorbed into the lymphatic system] without requirement for modification like long-chain fatty acids or very-long-chain fatty acids. In addition, MCTs do not require bile salts for digestion. Patients that have malnutrition or malabsorption syndromes are treated with MCTs because they do not require energy for absorption, utilization, or storage. I choose Coconut Oil.)   My mouth is watering just thinking about it.  I hear ya - it's crazy.  My kids don't hesitate in telling me it's crazy.  My husband just sort of humors me!  There is a lot of controversy about whether this is brilliant or bogus.  Here is the link to Dave Asprey's post regarding bulletproof coffee.  Reading the benefits from the creator himself seems wiser than me trying to explain.

However, I am here to tell you that after drinking the coffee, my appetite is manageable, my energy is high and my mind is clear.  I am definitely more productive.   I don't know why (although I suspect it is the addition of healthy fats), but I do know that it is delicious and I want some now!  Let me know if you try it and what you think.  It is an acquired taste and texture, so give it time.  It is very best if you use an immersion blender or Magic Bullet to mix ingredients.

So, there you have it.  For the most part, I drink spring water, yummy extracted organic fruit and vegetable concoctions, and bulletproof coffee!!  Gone are my days of cola, cool- aid*, and sweet tea!   

In keeping with my personal mission to become braver and more COREAGEOUS, I'd like to introduce you to www.ournourishingroots.com  I am new to her site and enjoy reading her very much.  She did something so incredibly brave today, it blew my mind.  Read her post "It's Time.  Today is the Day" and be inspired.

Thank you again for reading.  I'm a happy girl when I write and your support is such a blessing. 

Until next time, Be Healthy! Why not get yourself something delicious to drink! 

"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life."  Maya Angelou

(* purposely misspelled)

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! Honestly, I've been wondering about water types, juices and coffee stuff for a while.. you just answered all of them! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge in this stuff! Helpful and inspiring!
