Monday, April 29, 2013

"The Creation of Beauty is Art"

Notice anything new????  I think my blog looks beautiful, don't you agree??? 

The title of this post, "The Creation of Beauty is Art" is a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson.  My extremely talented and uniquely gifted daughter, Jessica, designed my new blog banner.  She has used her artistic abilities to create a beautiful gift for me. 

My sweet girl thought about me and my heart before designing the banner.  She combined my love of the ocean by using sea foam green and paired it with my favorite color, purple.  She chose the tagline, "let love shine in" to represent my love of God, family, friends, and my passion for living a healthy and happy life.  She discreetly incorporated the sun to represent my big love for a warm, sunny day spent at the beach.  And finally, she added the birds to symbolize the beCOREageous part of my journey, as they take flight and soar to new hopes, so will we! 

Jess, you are so dear to my heart.  Your sweet thoughtfulness and beautiful spirit are a treasure to our whole family.  Thank you, my girl!

Before I go, in keeping with the theme of beauty, here is a recipe for a BEAUTIFUL THING.......brownies!!!  Brownies have always been my favorite dessert.  When I was a teenager and friends would come to my house to visit on the weekends, my mom always made a pan of her homemade brownie treats.  I really think my friends came over just for the brownies!!  So, in addition to being yummy, brownies hold sentimental memories.  Here is a recipe I have made many times!

Beautiful Brownies
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
1/4 teaspoon aluminum free baking soda
1/8 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 cup almond butter
1/2 cup raw honey
1/4 cup grass fed butter, softened
2 free range eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
Preheat oven to 325 and grease an 8x8 pan.  Using a food processor, pulse the dry ingredients.  Add the remaining ingredients and process until combined.  (You can use a mixer.)  Spread in pan.  Bake 30 minutes. 
Until we meet again, Be Happy, Be Healthy, and BeCOREageous!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Top Ten Terrific Transitions!

I'm back home and ready to write!!

I had a wonderfully busy and blessed ten days.  First, my husband and I set out to babysit our dearly cherished grandbabies.  Our daughter and son-in-law were off to Napa Valley for a hard earned and highly anticipated little get away.  After days of arts and crafts, Legos, and "dueling on horseback",

I was headed to Virginia to help care for my more than precious 5 month old great nephew, while my niece recuperated from surgery.  After several days of loving on that precious young family, I headed back home.
Something fairly profound occurred to me as I was traveling home.  There was a time, not too long ago, that I never, ever, ever would have been able to spend several days taking care of a 2 year old and a 5 year old, then turn around and travel out of state to help take care of a 5 month old.  The traveling, cooking, cleaning, playing, diaper changing, etc. would have sent my MS symptoms into a tail spin.  Normal tired would have turned into debilitating fatigue.  My body would have burned with pain.  I would have been out of commission for days, even weeks.  The inflammation in my body would have resulted in one episode of shakes and tremors after another.  My bowel would have been a mess, to say the least.  As I realized how much different things are in my life now, I became emotional.  Sure, I was tired.  Yes, after a day of one travel delay after another, I needed to rest.  But, I bounced back like I have never bounced back before.  After returning home really late last night, I was able to wake up, get dressed, and start my day, without pain. Here's the proof:
That's me today.  Showered, dressed, and yes, with makeup on, all before the morning was over.  That, dear friends, is a HUGE change.  That is why I got emotional.  I was realizing the benefits of my lifestyle change.  I was pain free and living my best life.  Eating real food, sticking to my health plan - that was the difference. 

Speaking of health plan, I have had several people tell me that they would be very interested in making some changes in their food choices.  Yeah, Team!!  Many have said that going full speed ahead into making huge changes is not for them.  They would prefer to take small steps and have asked me what changes they could start with.  So, after giving it some thought, here are my
Top Ten Terrific Transitions to consider making:

1.  Grass Fed Meat - Real beef is grass fed and a major source of Omega 3 fats.  Eating grass fed meat is most in harmony with our physiology.  Every aspect of our bodies will function better when we eat products from animals raised on grass.  Also, it is naturally leaner than grain fed beef.
2.  Eggs - Free range eggs are the way to go.  There is absolutely no comparison between an egg from a chicken living in awful conditions with no access to the outdoors and a free roaming chicken receiving sunshine and a variety of foods which increase the nutritional quality of the eggs.
3.  Butter - Step away from the margarine.  Instead, try eating organic butter from grass fed cows.  It is a great source of essential vitamins and helps fat soluble vitamins get absorbed into our bodies.  I buy Kerrygold butter.  It is so delicious.
4.  Nut Butters - only the nuts, please.  Almond butter and cashew butter are delicious and so beneficial.  Many brands add sugar and hydrogenated vegetable oils, so avoid those. 
5.  Coconut Oil - The benefits of coconut oil are endless.  Replace your vegetable oils with coconut oil.  I cook with it for everything.  Look for organic, pure extra virgin for the highest quality.
6.  Fresh fruits and vegetables - Organic is best, to avoid all pesticides, herbicides, and GMO's.  Many of us grew up on canned veggies, but the difference in taste and nutritional value is substantial.  Don't forget, they also make delicious smoothies.
7.  Sweeteners - Natural is naturally better!  Refined sugars wreak havoc on our bodies, so consider using only raw honey, pure maple syrup or coconut sugar.  Each one of those will still satisfy your sweet tooth and add minerals and other nutritional benefits.  
8.  Milk - I have switched to almond milk, but for die hard dairy lovers, RAW MILK does a body good.  It is easier to digest, more nutritious, safer, and keeps cows happy!  Here is a great and informative article to further explain.
9.  Probiotics - I really can't say enough about the advantages of taking/eating/drinking probiotics.  They can be ingested through a good quality supplement, eating plain full fat yogurt, drinking kombucha, or eating an array of fermented foods.  Probiotics promote health by helping our bodies detoxify, enhancing our gut health, and boosting our immunities. 
10.  Sunshine - I am a flip flop and beach loving kind of girl, so I was delighted to learn about the advantages and necessities of sunshine to our health.  We need it to produce D3.  We have been conditioned to be afraid of the sun, but those fears are really unfounded.   Our body needs sunlight in the same way it needs nutrients. In addition to the noticeable lift it gives our mood, it also helps lower blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, improve immunity, regulate weight, reverse many chronic diseases, protect us from many cancers and improve our overall health and happiness.  So, let the sun shine in!

In making this list I considered our bodies as a whole.  I hope these ten changes will seem reasonable and attainable for you.  I believe they will make a huge difference in your overall well being.

Well, thank you so much for reading.  Please feel free to share this information with someone you know who might be searching for better food choices for their family or struggling with health concerns.

I will be in touch soon.  Until then, please Be Healthy and Happy!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

See You Soon!

I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again........The simple fact that every single time I am going to travel on an airplane this song runs through my mind and the simple fact that no one younger than, let's say 40, knows what in the world this song is, proves that I am no spring chicken!!  All that to say, I'm leaving on a jet plane!!!  Since I just started writing again, I thought I would communicate to you that I am going to be gone for a little while.  I'll miss you!

But, I am richly blessed to be leaving to take care of and/or visit these beautiful faces:

Grammy/Minnie (that's me!) is being called into nanny duty - so I will be away from my computer for a little. 

While I am gone, I leave this website for you to fall in love with.

Her recipes are amazing and her knowledge impressive.  My most favorite so far is her Damn Fine Chicken recipe.  Yes, it is!!! 

Take good care.  Be Healthy!  BeCOREageous!  I will look forward to writing soon.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Wait, You're Drinking What?????

Well, to know the old me, is to know that my day could not get started without a cold cola beverage, or two!!  It was not unusual for me to drink an entire six pack of the sweet syrupy stuff in a day.  Heck, back in the day when I was working night shift at the hospital, it was not unusual for me to drink an entire six pack in one shift!  I was truly, truly addicted to the colas!  When I realized I had a little problem with the fizzy nectar, I tried to cut down.  I started drinking cherry cool-aid* and sweet tea - the emphasis on SWEET.  Once I changed my eating habits, it became clear to me that what I was addicted to was the sugar.  Detoxing off the stuff wasn't pretty! 

One of the questions that I am asked most often is, "Now that you are eating differently, what do you drink?"  I thought I'd share my top 3 beverages of choice these days.

First and foremost, WATER!  Most of us are chronically dehydrated and don't even know it.  I know I was.  As our bodies get used to being chronically dehydrated, we lose our sensitivity to water deprivation and don't get thirsty.  Dehydration, even in mild cases, can lead to allergies, depression, mental fog, and digestive problems.  Solution:  Drink more water.  In my research, I have determined that drinking spring water is the best choice for me.  Spring water naturally occurs when water flows to the surface of the earth from below, and is thus where the aquifer surface meets the ground surface.  Well water and spring water are similar in that they are both produced from natural aquifers; however, spring water continues its life cycle naturally to the surface and well water is not fully matured.  Our tap water, although well intended, may not be our best source of water.  Here's why: 

First and foremost is FLOURIDE.  Our water is highly fluoridated and that is problematic.  I will discuss fluoride in a future post, but until then, just know that according to Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Bill Osmunson,
"Fluoride is a toxic industrial waste product, which may also be contaminated with lead, arsenic, radionucleotides, aluminum and other industrial contaminants. The fluoride added to municipal water supplies is not pharmaceutical grade.                        
Twenty-three studies from four countries indicate that even moderate exposure to fluoride lowers IQ.
The daily dose of fluoride recommended by the American Dental Association results in the same level of fluoride in your blood shown to cause an 8-point drop in IQ.
Poison control should be called if you swallow a quarter milligram of fluoride from toothpaste. Meanwhile just ONE glass of water can contain this amount of fluoride.
To remain within "safe" limits, you'd have to use such a small amount of fluoridated toothpaste that one tube would last you several years."
I encourage you to do further research.  This article might be a good start.

Second, an Associated Press investigation has found that prescription drugs have been found in millions of Americans' drinking water.  Everything from antibiotics to mood stabilizers have been detected.

And third, CHEMICALS!  Many water supplies add chemicals to drinking water to purify it from waste, including chlorine.

Ideally, the very best water to drink would be directly from the spring.  We all don't have that readily available to us.  Bottled water is both wasteful and can be problematic with plastic possibly leeching chemicals.  So, the very best thing most of us can do is drink spring water put into glass bottles.   Here's a sampling of bottled water brands that are fluoride-free: Apani Purifie ** Aqua Panna ** Arrowhead ** Calistoga Spring ** Crystal Geyser ** Deer Park North ** Deer Park South ** Great Bear ** Hinkley & Schmidt ** Ice Mountain Keeper Springs ** Loon Country Natural Spring88 **Mountain Valley ** NARA International Himalayan Spring Ozarka ** Penta ** Poland Spring Snow Valley Mountain ** Sparkletts
I am able to get several of the brands in glass bottles at my local Natural Grocers.  It's extra delicious with some citrus!

My next go-to drink is a beautifully extracted glass of organic fruits and vegetables.  With juicing being one of the newest rages, everyone is becoming familiar with the benefits.  There is some discussion as to whether juicing, blending, or extracting is the best way to go.  Honestly, I really don't know the answer to that.  When I was setting my goals for the new year, I felt like juicing was the next piece in my puzzle of achieving optimal health.  I knew that valuable and sensitive nutrients become damaged when heated.  Due to my seriously compromised gut and extensive digestive problems, I knew that I wasn't absorbing enough of the nutrients from fruits and vegetables, and juicing seemed like the solution.  I have to give a shout out to my sister- in -law, Sally, for introducing me to the immense benefits of juicing.  Sally is our family's foremother in the area of health and nutrition.  She was eating healthy before eating healthy was cool!  Thanks, Sal - I am hooked!   Well, after reading and talking to many people, we recently bought a Nutribullet.  I am not on their payroll and don't get a kick back - but I want my own infomercial!!  Seriously, I smile when I wake up in the morning and greet my Nutribullet in the kitchen.  Honestly, we bought it because it was the most reasonably priced, best reviewed appliance in our price range.  So, technically, we are extracting!  "When you prepare and consume foods in the Nutribullet - the superfood nutrition extractor - you ingest food in its most absorptive state.  So even the weakest of digestive systems can absorb and utilize the nutrition within!"   Y'all, I can honestly, without reservation say, that since I have started extracting I just feel better.   I have more energy.  I feel lighter.  My mind is sharper.  Crazy how putting some organic kale, blueberries, swiss chard, and strawberries in a bullet, blending, and drinking can make you feel like a million bucks.  The recipes are endless, as are the rewards!

And finally, I have saved the "WAIT, SO YOU'RE DRINKING WHAT????" moment for the very end.  I drink a cup of BULLETPROOF COFFEE every morning.  What is that you ask? 
2 cups of organic, low toxic, hot brewed coffee, 2 tablespoons of Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter (unsalted from grass fed cows) and 1-2 tablespoons of MCT oil (medium chain triglyceride. MCTs passively diffuse from the GI tract  to the portal system [longer fatty acids are absorbed into the lymphatic system] without requirement for modification like long-chain fatty acids or very-long-chain fatty acids. In addition, MCTs do not require bile salts for digestion. Patients that have malnutrition or malabsorption syndromes are treated with MCTs because they do not require energy for absorption, utilization, or storage. I choose Coconut Oil.)   My mouth is watering just thinking about it.  I hear ya - it's crazy.  My kids don't hesitate in telling me it's crazy.  My husband just sort of humors me!  There is a lot of controversy about whether this is brilliant or bogus.  Here is the link to Dave Asprey's post regarding bulletproof coffee.  Reading the benefits from the creator himself seems wiser than me trying to explain.

However, I am here to tell you that after drinking the coffee, my appetite is manageable, my energy is high and my mind is clear.  I am definitely more productive.   I don't know why (although I suspect it is the addition of healthy fats), but I do know that it is delicious and I want some now!  Let me know if you try it and what you think.  It is an acquired taste and texture, so give it time.  It is very best if you use an immersion blender or Magic Bullet to mix ingredients.

So, there you have it.  For the most part, I drink spring water, yummy extracted organic fruit and vegetable concoctions, and bulletproof coffee!!  Gone are my days of cola, cool- aid*, and sweet tea!   

In keeping with my personal mission to become braver and more COREAGEOUS, I'd like to introduce you to  I am new to her site and enjoy reading her very much.  She did something so incredibly brave today, it blew my mind.  Read her post "It's Time.  Today is the Day" and be inspired.

Thank you again for reading.  I'm a happy girl when I write and your support is such a blessing. 

Until next time, Be Healthy! Why not get yourself something delicious to drink! 

"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life."  Maya Angelou

(* purposely misspelled)

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Over the course of the last year, I have become a consistent label reader.  Early on,  a trip to the store could take me several hours just because I was reading, and reading, and reading!!!  I started seeing the ingredient Carrageenan listed in a lot of things.  Upon initial research, I learned that Carrageenan is derived from red seaweed.  I thought it benign enough, because seaweed is supposed to be healthy for us, right???  Well, thankfully, smarter, more informed people set me on a course of further investigation.  Bottom line, just say no.  Let me explain.

Carrageenan is a polysaccharide (a complex carbohydrate, as starch, inulin, or cellulose, formed by the combination of nine or more monosaccharides and capable of hydrolyzing to these simpler sugars - that was for the benefit of my "need to know all the scientific information" friends) indeed from red seaweed.  On a molecular level it is similar to plastic, able to bend easily.  This makes it a useful additive.  Since it is inexpensive and easy to produce, it is used as a thickening agent in a lot of things, such as, but not limited to:

*  almond, soy, rice, coconut milks
*  whipping cream
*  toothpaste
*  pet food
*  beer
*  shaving cream
*  shoe polish
*  gummy products
*  chocolate milk
*  cottage cheese
*  ice cream
*  milk boxes
*  sour cream
*  cheese
*  dips
*  baby formula
*  lunch meat

Sadly, there are many more products that contain carrageenan, even organic products.

Many doctors, scientists, researchers, and health enthusiasts are seriously concerned about the risks of carrageenan being linked to cancer and inflammation.  Even Wikipedia stated, "Starting in the late 1960's, research has linked food grade carrageenan to gastrointestinal disease in laboratory animals, including ulcerative colitis-like disease, intestinal lesions, ulcerations, and colon cancer."    It goes on to state, "A 2012 study showed that mice given food grade carrageenan in the diet exhibited impaired glucose tolerance and increased insulin resistance."

Do you want to hear something crazy???  When scientists want to create an inflammatory response in laboratory rats (to induce tumors, etc.) , what do they use????  Carrageenan.  Seriously.  They have been doing it in labs for more than 40 years.  Ingesting carrageenan has been found to cause inflammation by depressing the activity of macrophages (a type of white blood cell that are part of your body's defense mechanism and also part of the immune response, basically immune cells that act like garbage collectors against harmful bacteria.)

To summarize, The Environmental Working Group (Skin Deep database) indicates that animal studies have shown kidney, respiratory, gastrointestinal, brain and nervous system, and blood effects with very low doses of carrageenan.  Researcher Dr.  Joanne Tobacman, University of Iowa, states, "There seems to be enough evidence associating carrageenan with significant gastrointestinal lesions, including malignancies, to avoid ingesting it." 

Well, I am sure you agree, with scientific evidence to prove, at the very least, reason to be wary - it is just not worth it.  We are on a path to create optimum health for ourselves and for our families.  Carrageenan is not part of the plan!

Here is a link I hope will be helpful.

Additionally, my health food store Natural Grocers and my HEB have both been extremely gracious to speak to me regarding adding products to their inventory that do not contain carrageenan, insuring that informed shoppers will continue to shop in their stores.  I encourage you to have those dialogues as well.

I warn you, as you begin reading labels, the stuff is everywhere!!  But I am here to tell you that you can eat healthy, organic, delicious carrageenan-free food!!  We just have to beCOREageous enough to make it happen!!

Here are the people who inspire, motivate, and drive me to learn something new every day!  I'll be back soon.  Until then, Be Healthy!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saddle Up!

You know when you greet an old friend you haven't seen in a long time and before you know it, it feels like you were never apart??  That's how I feel right now.  Due to circumstances beyond my control, my former blog is no more.  But, you know what they say....when one door closes.  Here is my new open door.  Welcome to beCOREageous, old friend. 

Blogging sort of means putting yourself out there and allowing yourself to be somewhat vulnerable.  For those who really know me, that is totally out of my comfort zone.  But, when I stopped writing, I was amazed and totally humbled to have people tell me that they missed reading about my journey, the lessons learned, the recipes, and the helpful hints for their lives.  After some prayer, I feel led to begin again.  Thank you for reading.  It really does bless my heart.

Well, when I decided to begin blogging again, I wanted a name that meant something to me.  So, I enlisted the help of my clever and creative girls.  They really got busy and gave me some incredible suggestions.  When I saw beCOREageous written on paper, it spoke to me.  I've been "living" with it for a couple of weeks and just knew this was my new blog's name.  Let me briefly share why it pulled at my heartstrings.

First, the word courageous holds a lot of meaning to me, personally.  I have always struggled with fear.  It is my battle.  Several years ago, during a challenging time in my life, I was reading Beth Moore's book, So Long, Insecurity.  It was then that I adopted the life verse, "Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave or forsake you."  Deuteronomy 31:6  I have written it on the first page of my Bible, it is written on an index card on my bathroom mirror, and it is written on my heart.  It speaks to me. 

Second, beCOREageous is a call to action.  I love that.  I just can't simply stay where I am.  I have to BE.  I have to learn, grow, teach, move.  That speaks to me.

Third, it is a clever little play on words - Courageous/COREageous!!  I love a clever little play on words!!  Still speaking to me.

And fourth, the word CORE really made me think.  It forced me to do some personal reflection.  What do I stand for?  Who am I?  So, at my very core, first and foremost, is a deep and abiding love for and faith in my Heavenly Father.  Next, at the very deepest part of my core, is my unspeakable love for my family.  My husband, four children, two grandchildren, parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts, uncles, and extended family.  They are my heart.  Then, deep in my core, is my love for my dearest friends - my chosen family.  Love them all.   And finally, at my core is a need to get healthy and help others get healthy as well.  I did not know this was my passion until recently.  But now that this passion has been unleashed, there is no stopping my thirst for knowledge.  So, at my core are faith, family, love, and passion.  Those truly speak to me!  Well, there you have it.  beCOREageous will be my vehicle for sharing, learning, growing, and,  prayerfully,  helping.  Thank you to my girl, Ash, for knowing my heart so well and naming my new blog!

In case some don't know me, let me share a very brief summary of the last 15 months.  I have Multiple Sclerosis and had really hit rock bottom.  My pain was unbearable.  My weakness was debilitating.  My digestive issues were wreaking havoc.  My nerves were shot.  I needed help.  I cried out for help and the Lord answered in a big way.  On Dr. Joseph Mercola's website I saw a video by Dr. Terry Wahls that changed my life.  She has reversed her own MS in ways that left me speechless and in tears.  I was on board immediately.  So, January 15, 2012 I started living a Paleo lifestyle and began learning what it truly means to use Food As Medicine.  I voraciously read every article, blog, book I could find on the topic.  My passion (some might say obsession) was born!  Jump ahead 15 months, I feel stronger, healthier, happier than I can ever remember feeling as an adult.  I have chosen to eliminate all grains, beans, and refined sugar from my diet.  I limit my dairy to only full fat plain greek yogurt (although I am searching out raw milk options.)  I eat (or drink) grass fed meat, organic fruits and vegetables, organic free range eggs, lots of grass fed butter, olive oil, coconut oil, blanched nuts, nut butter, super dark chocolate, green smoothies, organic coffee, almond milk,  and spring water.  It works for me.  Please know that I am not a doctor. I am not a nutritionist. I am not a scientist.  I am a woman on a mission.  I have learned a little, but there is a ton more to learn and that excites me.  I understand that what works for me, may not work for you.  But I promise you that the lessons I am learning and will share about our food, nutrition, and the choices we make,  will make us all healthier.

What started with Paleo has now evolved into an entire world of  crazy, wonderful, exciting, confusing, amazing, frustrating, fascinating topics that I am engrossed in learning about.  Some that I plan to share in the near future are:  GMO's, supplements, grass fed meats, organic choices, coconut oil, oil pulling, why butter is better, healthy kiddos, what happened to our grains, sugar is trouble, etc. etc. etc.  I get excited knowing that although I have no idea what the etc. etc. etc. are going to be, I know they will be life changing!!  Additionally, I personally have some new things happening in my life that are going to take me out of my comfort zone and totally require me to beCOREageous. I am excited to share with you the what's, why's and how's of that in the near future. 

Well, I have kept your ears long enough in this first post.  Thank you so much for reading.  It fills my heart with such joy to know that we can be connected via this blog.  I truly appreciate you. 

In the last fifteen months I have "met" some incredible bloggers.  I plan to share some of my favorites with you.  My first choice is Kristen Michaelis' blog,  She is a health and wellness coach and author of the amazing book, Beautiful Babies.  Although we have never met in person, I love reading her insights and wisdom on topics that I am very interested in.  She is one smart lady.  Enjoy.

I also hope to share yummy recipes with you.  Talk about "speaking to me", chocolate pudding does it every time!  My mom was the very best cook.  She even made the best hot dogs!!  One of my favorite recipes was her homemade chocolate pudding.  Well, here is my spin on it - dairy and refined sugar free.  I call it

"Not My Mama's Chocolate Pudding!"
1 can full fat refrigerated coconut milk
1/4 cup almond butter
1/2 cup raw honey
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa
1 teaspoon cinnamon (I love cinnamon, so you can reduce amount if that's too much)
Put the entire can of coconut milk in your food processor or heavy duty blender.  Add almond butter, honey, cocoa, cinnamon.  Puree until smooth.  Pour into bowl or ramekins.  Refrigerate several hours.  Enjoy

I'll be back soon.  In the meantime, Be healthy.  BeCOREageous.

"Courage is being scared to death....and saddling up anyway."  John Wayne